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OpenCV real-time desktop image capturing using D3DShot

Background I have been studying using OpenCV and image detection to make an online bot for gaming. T…

Installing Mico Project for Speaker Diarization and Transcription Part 1

Background I recently ran across an interesting open source project called “Mico Project&#8220…

Installing Mico Project for Speaker Diarization and Transcription Part 2

Attempt 2 – Installing on Debian from their repositories The MICO Platform contains some fairly good…

The Joy (Pain) of Xamarin Android (iOS soon) Development Part 1. Making it work out of the box.

So the past 2 weekends I have once again been messing around with Xamarin development in Visual Stud…

Conquest of Elysium 4 – One movement mod for all terrain

I created a quick mod to make all movement only cost 1 AP in Conquest of Elysium 4. Thanks for the S…

How to compile and install NIST Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.2

The NIST Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) is a collection of software tools designed to score benchmark test e…

Converting or Transcribing audio to text using C# and .NET System.Speech

Recently, I had a project where I needed to convert some audio to text. It took a bit more googling …

Converting Embedded Powerpoint Audio to .mp3

In my continuing quest to get a Master’s in Software Engineering, I am enrolled in SENG 6270. …

Using C# .NET to detect .ogg vorbis file properties

Recently I needed to read the various audio file properties of a .ogg Vorbis file for further proces…