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How to compile and install NIST Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.2

The NIST Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) is a collection of software tools designed to score benchmark test evaluations of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Systems.

It is kind of a pain to use, but certainly beats writing your own.  Anyways, the first step is downloading the latest version of the software.   I had trouble finding an official “this is the latest version” website, but this one had old versions in addition to the “latest”, so I went with that.

Download the latest version (at the time of this writing).

Unzip everything.  I used archive manager and ended up with a folder called “sctk-2.4.10”.  Enter that folder, you should see “bin”, “doc”, and “src” folders once you are inside of it.  Open up a terminal inside the “sctk-2.4.10” folder.

[bull@localhost sctk-2.4.10]$ ls

run the commands like the INSTALL file says

[bull@localhost sctk-2.4.10]$
make config
make all
make check
make install
make doc

now navigate to the bin folder and run sclite

[bull@localhost sctk-2.4.10]$ cd bin
[bull@localhost bin]$ ./sclite


2 thoughts on “How to compile and install NIST Scoring Toolkit (SCTK) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.2”

  1. Hello kind sir,

    Could you please tell me what to do if I get the error “sclite: Error, Reference file ” does not exist”?
    The reference file definitely does exist, so I don’t know what the problem is. I tried with other ref files, and I get the same error message.

    many thanks!

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