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Installing Mico Project for Speaker Diarization and Transcription Part 2

Attempt 2 – Installing on Debian from their repositories

The MICO Platform contains some fairly good documentation on Debian installation found .  I had to do a few extra things to even begin installing MICO.  I am starting with a completely fresh version of Debian 8.8 (latest at the time of this writing).

Additional Steps:

  1. Enable “jessie-backports” –
  2. Run “apt-get update” (to get the backport info).
  3. Install “Hyper-V tools” (Windows only) –
  4. Now start following their documentation
  5. Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mico.list and add the line:
    deb mico main contrib

  6. Run “apt-get update”.  You will get an error.  This is fine.
  7. Run “apt-get install mico-apt-key”.  This fixes previous error.
  8. Run “apt-get update”.  Should work normally now.
  9. Run “apt-get install mico-platform”.  You will get an error.  This is fine.
  10. Run “apt install -t jessie-backports openjdk-8-jre-headless ca-certificates-java”.  This fixes previous error.
  11. At this point, I guess you are supposed to update your hosts file. Currently, my hostname is “mico” and my /etc/hosts file reads, I have no idea if this is correct:     localhost     mico

  12. Finally, we should be able to run “apt-get install mico-platform” without error.  You will be presented with a series of questions which I detail below.  I don’t know if I am making the correct selections, but this is why I am posting this 🙂

Below is the series of screenshots of configuration selection values and finally the end results.  As you can see, marmotta, “mico broker”, and RabbitMQ do not work.  I have posted this as an imgur album for convenience.  Full album here.


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